A downloadable soundtrack

In a world where dreams hold the key to the soul, Yimnazo, a man of strict discipline, loses touch with his inner child, Paignidi. 

She slips away into a vibrant dreamscape of bubbles and whimsical drawings.

A realm of pure joy and play that exists deep within the unconscious mind.

Desperate to reconnect, Yimnazo discovers he can send messages through the bubbles, guiding Paignidi on her journey through this fantastical world. 

As Paignidi explores, she learns to manipulate her surroundings, creating wondrous creatures from the bubbles themselves.

But in this land of imagination, a shadow looms. 

Filodox, the embodiment of unchecked ambition, threatens to overtake the joy Paignidi has found. 

As she delves deeper into the unconscious, Paignidi must learn to balance the playful spirit of her new world with the discipline Yimnazo imparts through his bubble messages.

Can Yimnazo and Paignidi bridge the gap between discipline and play, conscious and unconscious, before Filodox consumes the dreamscape? 

Their journey is one of self-discovery, where every popped bubble and formed creature brings them closer to understanding the true nature of the self.

"Whispers in the Bubbles" is an adventure that invites players to explore the depths of the psyche, where the battle between joy and ambition plays out in a world of endless imagination.






Luke James Sipka - Yimnazo's Redemption.wav 35 MB
Luke James Sipka - The Bubble Tower and Battle of Filodex.wav 69 MB
Luke James Sipka - Guidance from the Chorale of Elders.wav 31 MB
Luke James Sipka - Paignidi Discovers the Bubbles.wav 21 MB
FinalBounces.zip 153 MB

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